Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Go on a journey through space with these sci-fi novels

Sci-fi novels are filled with characters making intrepid journeys through space for a variety of reasons. Here are two sci-fi stories with similar journeys but contrasting motives.

Web of Chaos by Sydney J Bounds

It doesn’t take a huge leap to work out that a place called the Zone of Chaos isn’t exactly the more welcoming of destinations. But travelling through it may be the only hope for a human race facing extinction.

One you traveler embarks on such as quest, know that this was the fatal journey previously taken by members of his family.

The spaceship Venturer loses all communications as soon as it enters the zone. But there are much more sinister forces at work here and all sense of what is normal is warped beyond recognition. Can the crew survive and what will the lasting effect on their sanity be. 

The Quantum Magician by Derek Kunsken

Belisarius is genetically modified human who has been wired with a superhuman ability for thought and analysis. This ensures he is never short of work, but it also becomes something of a curse. It turns complicated assignments into menial tasks and soon his brain is struggling to find the challenges it craves.

He is also something of a conman and opportunist so when he is approached to transport a fleet of ships across the galaxy and through a treacherous worm hole in a top secret assignment, the lure of the vast riches on offer is too good to turn down.

Getting the job done won’t be easy and his is joined by ragtag crew which ensures the journey is anything but plain sailing.

Check out more great sci-fi tales with the books from www.stelahub.com.

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